Lucchese Spring

Lucchese came out with some of the prettiest new boots this spring, and I felt very fortunate to be asked to photograph them. We’d only had that beeee-autiful grey horse in these images for about 3 days prior to doing this shoot. He seemed gentle enough so I told Nicole he was totally safe to ride bareback for the shoot…..not knowing for sure if he actually was. 😂Luckily for all parties involved, he was indeed super gentle.

azulado boots

To say I’ve done a poor job of posting any recent work would be a large understatement! This spring has been incredibly busy, and gallery updates of work have definitely suffered for that reason. So here’s to trying to keep up with showcasing recent work….it probably won’t happen, but here’s to trying. 😂

Wrangler Holiday

Amidst the fall shoot craziness, I was asked by Wrangler to shoot some images for their holiday campaign. It was such a fun (and somewhat challenging, haha) project to work on. I say that only because the images were all about flannel lined…sherpa….looking cozy, etc….and it was August. In Arizona. 😂 Oh, and we were in a crazy heat wave….it was 100 degrees when we shot these. I had to take breaks for my cheeks to not be so red and for the sweat to stop running down my back. Also, to get the right light, I had maybe 40 minutes a day to shoot. All that being said, these images are some of my all time favorites.